Spilled grape juice on carpet

A great fear for spills on our precious carpet is grape juice!  If you’re like me you try to blot with water mixed with whatever cleaner you have.   After our best attempts are made we still see a relatively light stain left behind.   It’s because juice has a dye that absorbs into and around to the fibers creating a stain.  The fibers have what is called “dye sites.”  These dye sites are designed to absorb the dye color that is used to give the carpet its color.  There are left over empty dye sites that are still open for staining.    If this happens to you or you would like to know in advanced what to do in case this happen I have listed some pointers below that should help to completely resolve this issue.  If you can’t resolve the issue after trying what I have listed below you can call your local professional carpet cleaner.  Most of them are well trained to resolve stains like this.  If you’re in the DFW area you can contact Quality Care Carpet Cleaning at 940-206-2372.


  1. If this happens to you, right away! Mix one tablespoon of liquid hand dishwashing detergent with two cups of warm/hot water. Using a clean white cloth, sponge the stain with the detergent solution. Blot until the liquid is absorbed.  Repeat Steps 2 and 3 until the stain disappears or is no longer absorbed into the cloth.  If you do this fast enough you can keep it from entering into the dye sites and setting the stain permanently.


  1. If the stain remains after this process simply mix one tablespoon of ammonia (Caution: Never mix chlorine bleach and ammonia – the resulting fumes are hazardous) with two cups of warm water. Then sponge the stain with the ammonia solution.  Remember to blot first and not rub because it will settle more into the fiber and also spread further creating a bigger stain.   Blot continuously until the liquid is absorbed.  Sponge with cold water and blot till it is completely dry.  You may need to place a folded rag on top of the wetted area then place a heavy object like a book or brick on top of the folded towel and allow it to absorb completely into it for a day or two.  This will help to keep the grape juice from reappearing as well.


Just remember if you can remove the stain by yourself you can call your local professional carpet cleaner.  If you’re located in the DFW area you can contact Quality Care Carpet Cleaning at 940-206-2372 or simply email us at [email protected].  At Quality Care Carpet Cleaning “We do Quality & we do Care!